
Quick Wins for Your Business Growth

Welcome to our quick wins page full of information that you can use in your business.

Sort out your USP

What makes you different to your competitors? Why would customers seek you out, passing competitors to beat a path to your door?

​If you answered quality of service, customer care etc then think again. For one this is what every customer expects & for two, they have to become a customer to experience what you are offering. Your USP should be something that convinces your prospect they’re making the right choice in placing their trust in your product of service.

​It’s not as easy as it seems to come up with a great USP but without it you’re going to blend into the crowd & why do you deserve to survive when everyone else does what you do. You need to be different or offer something different to build that trust in what you’re offering. Give it some serious thought & remember, it’s not about you it’s about what you leave your customer with.



Sack Your Clients (Not All of Them)

Just the ones that are a pain in the a*** to deal with.

  • ​80% of your income comes from 20% of your clients.
  • ​80% of your grief comes from 20% of your clients

​Grade your clients A to D or 1 to 4

​Top score for the clients that buy regularly, pay promptly & sing your praises to all they meet.

​Bottom score for the clients that will have something to complain about, no matter what you do & are a nightmare for paying.

Sack your bottom score clients & free up the time to go & find more of your top scoring clients.

​Here’s a shocking idea !!!!! Why not ask your top scoring clients what they love about your product or service then, while they’re singing your praises ask them if they could recommend anyone similar to you. Tell them that you love dealing with them as a client & would love it if they could recommend you to similar, lovely people. Similar people flock together & they love to help wherever possible



Beware of Discounting

You are keen to make a sale so, 10% discount doesn’t seem unreasonable. The trouble is, we offer a discount on the full price but the actual discount comes out of our profit.

  • Simple Numbers: Cost Price: £750.00 Sale Price: £1000.00 Profit: £250.00 (25% of full price)​
  • Offer a 10% discount: Cost Price: £750.00 Sale Price: £900.00 Profit: £150.00 (17% of sale price / 15% of full price)


Employing the Right People

Staffing issues are one of the biggest issues for business owners but sometimes we’re responsible for our own demise. We know what we want done & are convinced that’s what’s been conveyed, but how sure are we?

When what we want doesn’t appear perfectly as imagined we get frustrated, the employee who’s genuinely tried their best is frustrated plus demotivated &, no one achieves what they want.


  • Never Assume
  • Never Believe
  • Always Clarify


If you’re conveying instructions, once finished ask the person to repeat back to you what they understand to be the requirements.

If you’re the one receiving instruction repeat back “so as to be clear, what I need to do is….”

If we just took the time to clarify life would be a whole lot less frustrating. Give it a try, it’ll feel awkward at first but, once mastered, it’ll be transformational.